
Montessori is a comprehensive curriculum with well-documented outcomes demonstrating that it is an ideal learning environment for all children. We encourage anyone interested in pursuing Montessori for their district or child to explore the supporting evidence. Below are some recommended resources.

National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector (NCMPS)

NCMPS is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to help public schools deliver high-quality, personalized education through Montessori.

Recommended Reading: Montessori The Science Behind the Genius

Lillard presents the research behind nine insights that are foundations of Montessori education, describing how each of these insights is applied in the Montessori classroom.

Public School Outcomes Study from AMI in Milwaukee

A longitudinal study of the experience in Milwaukee Public Schools done by AMI. The study supports the hypothesis that Montessori education has positive long-term impact.